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  • Writer's pictureSGA

How are you ensuring that your team is safe on the job?

An important part of any successful business is its people. To minimise potential risk, WHS policies state that businesses must provide a safe system of work that includes effective communication for remote or isolated workers. So, how are you ensuring that your staff are safe on the job?

To address this issue, SAFEgroup Automation (SGA) has developed a smartphone app for Android and IOS. SAFEIQTrac is a lone-worker management system, that was designed and is maintained by our engineers. This system eliminates the uncertainty of knowing whether your employees are safe out in the field, while also providing invaluable insight and alerts regarding the day-to-day operations of your business.

These logs are maintained in a centralised SCADA Database and if a worker fails to check-in at the expected time, the database sounds an alarm and initiates an escalation process from the administration staff, all the way up to higher management, to ensure a swift response is taken for any incident.

Diagram of remote workers using an app to alert central monitoring, admin and management
An example of SAFEIQTrac's Escalation Process

The app leverages existing technology and infrastructure to significantly reduce the dependence on manual systems. The use of ClearSCADA as the centralised monitoring the database allows for powerful and flexible alarm escalations which can be customised to suit individual business needs.

The SAFEIQTrac app is used on a daily basis by SGA staff, who regularly undertake remote or isolated work. If this is something that your business is interested in, please contact us for further information.

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